On the third day of the Road to the White House trip, we started our day bright and early by heading to the Fox News station where we would watch the Nikki Haley town hall with Fox News Live. As a young Latina from Miami I was not cut out for this cold weather. Yes, anything under 60 degrees is cold. We waited outside in a huddle before we went through security and saw the set. It was cute, very edgy country vibes. We heard her speech the same one I heard the night before, but there were key elements I felt lots of viewers online, she was very personable and graceful, but as soon as those cameras were rolling she was tough and strong. It was clear she leaned into her masculinity when the cameras were present and it is clear she has too to survive. She also had to redo half of her speech because her mic was showing through her dress and they had to retouch her makeup where she made jokes that they would never have to do this for the fellas. So it is clear she is very well she is treated differently. But some notes I took from her speech were she will pardon Trump if elected, she is pro-choice but won't say it, and a man had a gun pointed at him which caught me very off guard.

But I got to soon hang out with my people shortly after so we went to the Lexington County Democratic party to learn about what they do. I learned they run their county conventions much differently than ours in Florida. But the same problem the Aiken County Democrats had which was they do not have a lot of money nor a lot of young people. I learned this is because the Young Dems, College Dems, and High School Dems, are all separate from the county party whereas in Florida we all work together with the separate caucuses within the county party. It stressed me to be frank because good people put a lot into these efforts for free but without the funds to be able to be competitive with the Republicans can put this state at an endless uphill battle of exiting a supermajority.
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